- Please check the list of Current Openings to see if your category is available.
- If your category is not listed, and there is not a current member filling your category, please use the Contact form to inquire about availability.
- Please RSVP prior to attending a meeting.
- Bring 30+ business cards to share with the group.
- Be prepared to talk about your business for approximately 60 seconds. (See #2 below)
Here’s the format you can expect at each of our weekly meetings:
- Welcome
- Self-introductions (Members and guests give their name, business name, and tag line)
- Guest minute (Each guest is given 60 seconds to give more information about their business)
- Member Referrals
- Member Announcements
- Featured Speaker or Networking Time
- Close
Definition of a Referral:
In SBBI there are three different types of activities that count as a referral.
- Mention – a mention of someone’s name and business name in the course of a conversation counts as one referral. We believe that even a mention could create an opportunity down the road.
- Shout Out/Testimonial – This can occur over social media, like Facebook or Twitter, in the form of sharing a link that a member business has posted or sharing a recent testimonial of your experience with a member business. A Shout Out/Testimonial can also occur in public settings like Salem Chamber Greeters during the testimonial time. Each incidence counts as one referral.
- Strong Referral – handing a member’s business card or giving out their contact information to someone who is a good candidate for their product or service. Counts as one referral.