SBBI Recommendation Form I would like to* Recommend Not Recommend Neutral Name* First Last Company Name*Please address as many of the areas that you are able to:How long have you known this individual?How familiar are you with this company or individual?Have you done business with this company or individual? If yes, please describe your experience.Do you know of others that have done business with this company or individual? What has their experience been like?What are some strong attributes that this individual would bring to our SBBI group?Do you see any concerns that would prevent you from recommending this individual? If so, please describe below.Will you personally be able to refer this individual or company? Yes No Maybe Please briefly explain the reason(s) for your answer to the question directly above.SBBI Member completing this recommendation form* First Last Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Your email* NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ